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By Laura Marie of the Harmonic Universe Academy - August 2016

The phase humanity is currently going through is unique in its whole History. Every day, thousands of human beings awaken to the reality of the limitations of the systems that have governed the planet thus far. Every day, thousands awaken to the reality of the True history of Humanity and of civilisations that have previously existed upon the Earth. And every day, consciousnesses (terrestrial or extra-terrestrial) that came with a mission on Earth in order to work for the global liberation of this planet from the forces that enslaved it, and to create this New Earth in progress welcoming individuals more conscious, more respectful, and more connected to their true nature as well as to the consciousness of she who welcomes them (Gaia); are reactivating and entering their respective missions - thus impacting humans around them through example.

Those whom we call the Indigos (Read here the article about the Indigos here), Starseeds or for those more recently arrived, "crystals", are consciousnesses coming from elsewhere than the Earth, that have arrived in reinforcement in order to assist in this crucial phase of Planetary Ascension. These souls come from different places in the Universe and the neighbouring Universes, each with respective missions, very specific "assignments", and they become allies of the humans of the Earth having humanitarian missions. It is the combination of achievements of all these missions that will enable the success of the global plan of liberation, of cosmic disclosure, and of Ascension of a maximum of humans to superior frequencies; which will enable the healing of many traumas and deteriorations present within the genetic of most humans.

The reactivation phase of those "lightworkers" (terrestrials and extra-terrestrials who have a specific mission in the global plan of Ascension and Liberation) is the most difficult and many lightworkers get lost, just as humans do, in the meanders of the artificial matrix created by certain negative E.T. races and operated mainly from Saturn and the Moon, and which has enslaved humanity as well as having invaded preceding civilisations. (Read the newsletter: "History repeats itself"). The awakening phase of humans is painful as well, and humanity is currently experiencing a widespread Dark Night of the Soul, which will increase more and more in the coming months and years, as the different veils drop, individually and collectively. Like so, many are currently experiencing and will experience more and more a dismantling of their beliefs, as they see certain things collapsing around them (loss of a job, of a partner, of a house, of health...), because everything that was established upon false beliefs and from our fears, rather than from Love, will not be able to remain in those new frequencies that Earth anchors from now on - thanks to the work of so many souls acting as "beacons" in this darkness and having enabled the anchoring of those new frequencies (5D).

In order to minimise the damages in our lives, Wisdom is required in those times of great internal and external upheavals. Wisdom minimises the experiences of suffering; a suffering that is often experienced because of the various programming the human has endured since birth, and because of his ignorance of what he really is and of what is really going on, on his planet as well as in the rest of the Cosmos. Humans, since the beginning of this humanity, have been ruled by their inferior urges and their uncontrolled emotional, and today Humanity will have to open itself to the understanding of the challenges it is facing, individually and collectively. Equally, everybody will have to gradually open themselves to their true multidimensional nature, to the existence of their different subtle bodies and to the mastery of their own energies, learning vibrational discernment - that is to say discerning which energetic currents run through us or run through the other vehicles (bodies) around us, at any time - in order to be able to make conscious choices of which forces and currents they wish to serve. This mastery of identification of the different vibrations that run through us, as well as of our emotions and reactions, is called: spiritual maturity. Being spiritual does not simply mean having some knowledge, having a spiritual appearance, doing yoga or even wanting to strive for the World. Spiritual maturity is a long work of mastery that each individual really wishing to be of Service to the Good, to the Truth, to Beauty, and to Harmony, must accomplish.

Spiritual Maturity

If from an early age we were taught the fundamental values in favour of Harmony, Peace, Truth and Respect, then it would be less difficult for adult humans to later deprogram themselves from their negative ego, which has taken over the wisdom of their soul. Many children are raised by parents who are not spiritually mature themselves and who therefore do not have the ability of teaching the mastery of energy to their children. Much like in school where values that are essential to the Harmony of a civilisation are not taught, because it is not the goal of the forces in power for Harmony to reign. Slavery and servitude can only reign when terror, fear and conflict are our day-to-day reality. This is the reason why children and teenagers are instead bombarded with images of violence, unbridled sexuality, and are from a very young age immersed in competitive patterns, in order to have them become adults driven by their ego and their will to be "like everybody else", themselves defending the system which programmed them and even becoming its guardians.

Thankfully, many souls came upon Earth in order to establish those new and more conscious schools, which will embrace the teachings of the true values expressing what it really is to be a human being, reconnecting children to Nature and to their creativity, in order to enable them to express their full potential. Imagine schools where children would practice exercises to reconnect to their intention of incarnation (life mission), where everybody could learn to connect with their terrestrial or galactic origins, and where the children could learn the true History of the Earth and the cosmos and know the reality of other civilisations, so as to learn to discern the different energies present on Earth and to protect their different bodies (Aura) - in order to later become spiritually mature beings. Humanity will have to go through this in its spiritual mind opening phase, as many souls will feel totally incompatible with the ancient system and will simply not be able to work with it any longer. The gap between the different levels of consciousness and the different operating modes (3D versus Multidimensional) being bound to accentuate more and more in the years to come, new structures will crucially need to sprout in order to welcome the conscious individuals taking on that path of spiritual maturity, studying the sciences of Ascension.

Ascension is not an old esoteric concept, it is a process that can be explained scientifically, since everything is frequency and energy. This "New Age" was announced by numerous prophecies across History, and it is the period of time we are going through today and for which many of us interested in those topics, came to incarnate, with a great acceleration since 2012. Many "New Age" teachings have taken up numerous truths regarding this time period, but the distortion and disinformation are so great within those teachings, that today, a lot of those who were programmed by the New Age as well, will also have to do the deprogramming work, like they had to with the programs of the traditional Society (matrix). Many souls from preceding generations were trapped by those distortions and have thus damaged the global plan, they have delayed it, and they have made following souls constrained to adjust their respective contracts and missions in order to be able to carry on with the plan. The distortion down here and the amalgams are so substantial, that he who does not have sufficient vibrational discernment and common sense, and who is not working on the dismantling of his beliefs and his negative ego, runs a great many risks. Denial can no longer exist within a truly Conscious society. Humans must now free themselves from religions, dogmas and from the forms of spirituality bringing them into denial and to closing their eyes upon what is enslaving them. True liberation happens through turning the light upon Everything that Is. Not only a tiny part of it, that is reassuring and maintains us in the illusion and in our comfort zones. This is the true challenge humanity will have to face.

Many people are not ready yet to open their eyes to the reality of extraterrestrial presence (positive and negative), of secret space programs, of global manipulation, of the enslaving of terrestrial souls and their recycling after death, on Earth or prisoners elsewhere, and would rather listen to reassuring talks than hear the truth and learn to become truly Free. Once again, only true global knowledge is liberating. A fragmented and selective knowledge can not liberate. Otherwise, we risk being confined into another form of illusion or of semi-truth that will eventually lead to disappointment.

1) Emotional neutrality

A spiritually mature being does not differentiate "positive" from "negative" when talking about learning and expending his knowledge and his awareness of the world around him. He who tries to filter "positive" only, and does not wish to talk about what he deems "negative", can not be mature spiritually and greatly risks to see his denial, amalgams and fears lead him into different traps.

A spiritually mature being opens his eyes upon what Is, and accepts to investigate everything that is, in order to free himself through Knowledge and Consciousness and thus to become a living example of Force, Courage and true Sovereignty.

He who does not wish to hear there are "negative" Extra-terrestrial and interdimensional races  (who do not have humans' best interests in mind, striving for domination and power) that have been present on Earth since its beginnings and have been manipulating Humanity on large scale while feeding off of humans' negative energy by relentlessly creating conflicts in their individual and collective lives - He who does not wish to hear that terrestrial souls are trapped in an artificial matrix created by those races forcing souls to reincarnate on Earth up until 2012, having their memory erased at each incarnation - He who does not wish to open his eyes upon the reality of psychic attacks, of E.T. and military implants, of artificial intelligence invading the Living to turn it inorganic and of the war against Consciousness that is still happening and will be so more and more; rather wishing to be reassured by talks that do not aim for a true liberation of individuals - does not show spiritual maturity which consists of bringing to our awareness everything that Is without any form of denial, with Wisdom and Observation of what Is. These fragile souls are the ones that are most trapped into different forms of beliefs, illusions, and mostly, disappointments. Denial or ignorance can bring happiness and be reassuring for a moment, even for a life time, but sooner or later, each one of us will end up face to face with the Truth and the less we have prepared ourselves for it during our physical life, the greater the difficulties once the veil is lifted.

What is happening on Earth today is Unique and is a Unique chance to truly free ourselves through Consciousness. Access to information helps this learning process, even if on the other side Confusion, purposefully created with the quantity of information and disinformation currently available on the matter, can draw us into the different traps spread along the true reawakening path. But fear should never be our motive; Love and the Desire to know the Truth must be, as well as the Desire to be of Service to the highest divine values such as Harmony, Respect, Benevolence, Beauty, Authenticity, Truth, Freedom.

Although be careful, freedom will never mean freedom to hurt others, to harm them, nor to kill (humans or animals). In the same way, on the pretext of "freedom of speech", many beings harm and destroy with words other beings, or their work, ignoring the vibration of words and of the different currents of energies or forces that can drive us depending on our thoughts and our words. True freedom is the freedom of being who we are, aligned to our soul, and to do so respecting the life of others (giving the other that same freedom). Spiritual maturity is therefore critical for a civilisation to be in Harmony.

A spiritually mature being, is fully aware that what he does to others, he does to himself, and of the inter-connected nature of all forms of life. He is aware that when he harms or attacks his human or animal brother or sister, he punishes himself with the future karmic consequences of his behaviours, and of the bond he creates committing those malevolent actions, with certain E.T. entities / races striving for Anti-Life and whom are constantly looking for vehicles to enable them to accomplish their dark agendas in the physical reality. A spiritually mature being must be able to identify the different forces going through him and inhabiting the different dimensions in order to be able to consciously choose who he wishes to strive for : for Life or for Anti-Life (destruction).

By no mean will emotional neutrality ever imply lack of empathy, nor inaction. Emotional neutrality simply is the ability to control our own emotions and to not serve as a puppet reacting with its own wounds and its own projections. Emotional neutrality does not mean either that we can not stay authentic to our feelings, but our feelings must never take control of ourselves, and, especially not, make us loose our lucidity and clarity of mind. We must learn to get in the position of observers of ourselves and of our reactions, and to then identify, thanks to our vibrational discernment, the forces that come through us in order to choose in full awareness what we wish to be a vehicle for.

2) Vibrational discernment

Every second, with every thought, every word, and every action, we take a stand deciding to strive for Life and for the highest divine values, or for the Anti-life and its destructive and deceiving processes. It is essential for every human being to learn to recognise those two currents of energies, and their vibrational signature, as well as the vibrational signatures of all the different People inhabiting our Universes ("positive" and "negative", striving for Life or Anti-Life, the organic light and the artificial intelligence, or Christic and luciferian or satanic forces). This will come gradually depending on the degree of experience of the individuals and the most important is to wish to learn to discern, rather than wishing to stay in denial. He who accepts to want to learn vibrational discernment and accepts that reality might be much wider than what he can comprehend himself, shows for his humility and the control of his ego. There are still very few individuals on the awakening path who master vibrational discernment and this is the reason why so many are trapped in the New Age. To discern vibrationally is not only nor even necessarily about knowing if something is true or false, but rather about discerning which vibrational current drives the being and for which agenda he could be used. Thus, at a time of Deception, it is important to focus our attention on the Vibration before anything. The vibration, in a world of illusion, of deceits, of holograms, and of lies, is the ONLY way to see through.

He who wants to discern with his eyes or his ears, risks to fall for disillusion. Only vibrational discernment can be reliable in a falsified reality such as on Earth.

True discernment can sometimes be linked to Common sense, but sometimes defies any mental logic (for instance: "I do not resonate with this person, I feel something strange, but she is nice and has never done me any harm!"). Logic would want us to trust them, though, an intuition and an external signal tell us the opposite. It is the vibrational discernment working and being the voice of the soul, looking to guide us in this giant illusion and on this planet where everything is falsified and where everything that really happens actually happens in the other dimensions; through our internal feelings often concealed by our mental / ego. The soul can for instance know that this person will betray us in the future and that is it better then not to bond with them in the present. Once again we must then develop enough Wisdom and spiritual maturity, in order to be able to listen to the voice of our soul and follow its advices, rather than our mental, our fears or our naivety. In the same way, if we take medication to conceal the symptoms of our illnesses, if we listen to our mental / ego concealing our intuitions, then we do not give our soul and our body the opportunity to give us the messages necessary for our growth.

3) Dismantling of the ego

A great many humans (including and especially within spiritual circles) do not know that the negative ego and its structure, is not something organic. In other words, the negative ego is not a divine creation as is the rest of the human body and was added by "negative" Extra-terrestrial factions through manipulating the DNA in order to keep under control the humans, then being trapped into programs that are destructive for themselves and for others. The negative ego and its filters are responsible for all the conflicts, all the wars, all the manipulations, all the judgements, all the feelings of domination and desire for power and control, as well as all the suffering. So we can easily recognise that without this added element, and if the humans did not have their memory erased and had the opportunity to evolve spiritually, humans would be in majority and according to their degree of spiritual growth, of a benevolent and pacific nature.

It is through manipulating the human genetic that certain extra-terrestrial races (Annunakis, reptilians, dracos, greys, mantis, and many other but only to cite the main ones) were able to enslave humanity and keep it under control, and have added through genetic hybridisation the ego / personality filters, thousands of years ago, in their desire to control the minds of their targets. Besides, Science itself talks of a "reptilian brain". When we control somebody's mind, we then completely control the individual (as well as his soul, by making the physical body via his mind, do whatever we desire the individual to do) and we can then use him to fulfil different agendas, just like a "workforce". These races consider humans like "cattle" and food. Their lack of empathy (devoid of heart chakra) prevents them from considering other races like their fellows and such as parasite races, go from a planet to another colonising territories, hybridising themselves and controlling as much workforce and energetic resources as possible. Low frequencies (fear, frustration, jealousy, violence, meanness, malevolence, manipulation, lie...) are the frequencies of operation and of existence of those entities whom then need to "cultivate" networks of humans exuding those frequencies.

Their extremely advanced technology (compared to that of humans), enables them to master holographic inserts inside of the human consciousness, and mind control via mastery of frequencies and of artificial intelligence. It is in this way that the majority of humans, disconnected from their souls and thus from their higher selves, are being driven through mind control, through artificial intelligence installed on Earth, as well as in the physical and energetic bodies of humans in the form of etheric implants. Most humans still being focused on their 3D perceptions ("I only believe what I see") can not free themselves from those programming, since they can not identify them. Those programs are for the most part unconscious and until the individual wishes to willingly turn to a real spiritual work and a dismantling of his negative ego (read the article Matrix Deprogramming here and Soul Integration here) and of all the traumas attached to him, then he will remain a victim of his emotional reactions and will remain in the suffering they create and cause. The emotional, the unhealed wounds, and the negative ego create projections that we send to others, and put us in a frequency that will later create our reality, based upon this distortion of perception. We then feel like trapped in cage and we go round and round within our own beliefs, and the entirety of our external reality then bases itself upon this internal reality. We create our reality at any moment, depending on our vibration and on the frequency from which we operate (the frequency of the higher self, or the frequency that was weakened by the filters of the ego). To operate on the frequency of the negative ego reduces the energy of the entire energetic bodies (multidimensional) as well as our vital force, and brings about a spiritual disconnection. Spiritual disconnection prevents us from turning to healthy and high vibration values such as : Compassion, Empathy, Kindness, Listening, Understanding of others, Non Violence, Tolerance, Respect, Authenticity. Which is the goal of those forces : to maintain humanity in the illusion of their egos and in the projections sent on their mental screens in order to have them destroy each other - and to prevent them from reconnecting to their true essence and Divine Nature.

4) Individual and collective responsibility

Spiritual maturity allows us to become aware of the fact that at every moment, we are responsible for the energies we serve as a vehicle for and thus, of the effects we are causing upon the planet and within the Cosmos with the energies we will choose to be a physical vehicle for. Each thought we choose to think, each word we write, each word we pronounce and each act we commit has a constructive or a destructive effect upon the planet. It generates either an effect of Harmony or one of Disharmony. It generates either Unity or Division. Either Support or Humiliation. Either Beauty or Ugliness. Either Light or Darkness. Either Consciousness or Unconsciousness. Either Truth or Lie.

It is each one of us' responsibility to choose which forces we wish to ally with and which values we wish to strive and be a vehicle for. In the absence of a clear choice the vehicle will be used through mind control and energetic manipulations by the controlling and enslaving forces. Thus, all those who choose to stay in denial or who are unaware of the reality of the different forces' presence, or unable to vibrationally discern them, will find themselves being used as "puppets" / portals to perpetuate low frequencies of division and the Victim / Victimiser programs installed within the human civilisation.

A spiritually mature being is aware that everything he thinks and does generates an effect in the Universe and does not wish to create disharmony, harm, nor being usable because of his ignorance to accomplish destructive agendas.

A spiritually mature being is responsible and does not look to blame others for his own misbehaviours. He does not look to accuse, to point his finger at, in order to justify his own wrongdoings. Even if someone attacks us, and we hurt them in return, we then become solely responsible for our action and we will endure the karmic consequences of our doings, just like the person who first attacked us. The unconscious programs that were placed within the human mind contribute to perpetuating those acts (attacks, anger, justification, blaming, victimisation, perpetrator, etc...) and it is crucial that Humanity learns to take its responsibilities in order not to be used anymore on a cosmic level by forces taking advantage of its ignorance and its lack of spiritual maturity.

Like so, each human has an individual responsibility for his own vehicle, his own soul and his own energetic bodies, but also a collective responsibility, as a member of a civilisation. If we wish to change the course of the humanity's collective consciousness, then it must come through an individual work of each member of this collective consciousness. Each human being who decides not to be a vehicle for those frequencies of destruction, emancipates himself and by example sets free all those around him wishing to take upon the same path - all the while bearing in mind that he will not then be responsible for what others will decide to do or not. We can not help those who do not wish to be helped, and we are solely responsible for ourselves and for our own actions, and not for the consequences of others' actions.

The spiritually mature being is aware of the value of Life and of his responsibility within the entire Creation, to honour his Life but also all forms of life. His existence must not be an inconvenience to other forms of life but on the contrary, a way to contribute to the improvement of everything that surrounds him, Beauty and Harmony always being at the heart of his aspirations. He strives for the collective Good, the Beauty and the Truth.

The spiritual maturity work is a long-term task that requires Willpower and Discipline. Spirituality can not be a "hobby" practiced only a few hours a week. The spiritual development must be, daily and of every moment, a will to incarnate the highest spiritual values and to be in alignment with our soul, so that our vehicle is not anymore used to accomplish agendas not serving our greatest well-being, nor the greatest well-being of humanity.

The expanding of our consciousness and the the will not to be in denial any longer, the control over our emotions, the healing of our wounds, the dismantling of our ego, the vibrational discernment, as well as taking our individual and collective responsibilities, as human beings incarnated on Earth, is what will enable us to acquire the spiritual maturity essential to our own Liberation as well as the Liberation of humanity collectively, from the forces that have enslaved it thanks of the ignorance of its true nature.

Spiritual maturity is and will be the only way to free ourselves from those forces, since an upfront battle with forces of such low frequencies and such forms of artificial intelligence is a lost battle. When we fight upfront a low frequency, we go down to to its frequency and we are then in a low vibration which leads to the depletion of our energetic resources (which makes us even more vulnerable energetically and a prey to psychic and etheric attacks).

It is solely in the absence of denial and in complete Knowledge that Humans will be able to emancipate from it. Ignoring those processes and this reality, only contributes to it persisting, and to prevent humans from acquiring this true mastery and spiritual maturity which will not be reached solely focusing on a partial reality. Knowledge enables identification, which then enables true LIBERATION.

With Love,

Laura Marie - August 2016 Newsletter - Spiritual Maturity - HarmonicUniverse.Academy

Translated from French by Melissa from Sovereign · Planet.  

Original article in French by Laura Marie from the Harmonic Universe Academy:

- Maturité Spirituelle:

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Recommended readings on Sovereign · Planet:

- Full and Partial Disclosure - blogpost on Sovereign · Planet

- Luciferian vs. Satanic Agendas - blogpost on Sovereign · Planet

- Disclosure Timelines and Preparation - article on Sovereign · Planet

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